Currently reading: Dieselgate: Audi CEO Stadler accused of fraud and false advertising
VW emissions probe widens to 20 suspects, including Audi's Rupert Stadler, whose home has been searched as part of investigation

Audi CEO Rupert Stadler has been accused by German prosecutors of fraud and false advertising in the ongoing Volkswagen Group emissions investigation.

Stadler, who had his contract extended last year, has been named a suspect by the Munich prosecutor’s office alongside another unnamed member of Audi’s board of management, according to Reuters.

Audi admitted to having used illegal defeat devices to manipulate its cars’ emissions in November 2015; Stadler has been CEO since 2007. It is thought that 11 million VW Group cars have been fitted with emissions manipulation devices

As part of the probe, Stadler’s home has been raided, while authorities are currently investigating 19 other suspects, the identities of whom have not been disclosed. 

Stadler was summoned to court in Stuttgart recently to give evidence at an emissions scandal hearing, alongside former VW Group boss Martin Winterkorn, former Audi technical director Ulrich Hackenberg and other prominent current and former VW Group executives. 

Read more:

16% of Volkswagen Dieselgate 'fix’ cars suffer power loss, says UK court case

How Volkswagen plans to clean up after Dieselgate

Volkswagen engineer sentenced to prison for Dieselgate involvement

Dieselgate: Stuttgart court orders testimonies from VW executives

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ZaraGarh 12 January 2019

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Terswse 24 September 2018


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Gargae Man 13 June 2018

pauld101 and bomb

It's good to see the Monty Python show and Will Wonka and the Chocolate factory are still relevant in the emission debate.Lumpy lumpy and noxy noxy sounds like the Uka Rumpa's are alive and well.Dry grass would be a problem unless they legislate that all cars have snorkel exhausts.Two wheels and a chain are valid except that the methane gas expended  riding up a hill may require new legislation to stop it happening.Good laugh