Currently reading: Honda Civic production resumes
UK factory now at full tilt producing new Honda Civic; Honda to create 500 new UK jobs

Full Honda Civic production has resumed in Swindon.

Production at the plan has been hampered in 2011 by the Japanese tsunami and then the more recent floods in Thailand, both of which had an impact on parts supplies.

At the peak of disruption, the Swindon factory suffered a 50 per cent reduction in its capacity due to electrical parts delays.

Honda now anticipates moving to a full, two-shift production schedule of all the models it produces at Swindon from next spring, prompting it to announce it will create an additional 500 jobs at the plant. Prime minister David Cameron described the decision as "contributing to a real renaissance in the UK automotive industry".

The new Honda Civic costs from £16,495 to £26,595. Tom Heron

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