Currently reading: JLR vehicles boss Nick Collins breaks silence on the future of Jaguar
In a landmark interview, we find out exactly where Jaguar stands now and what it will look like in three years

With Jaguar finally breaking its lengthy silence over its future plans, there’s a lot to unpack.

Three brand new models are on the way, all of which are set to be built on a new platform and feature EV power.

However, there’s still a lot we don’t know. So who better to enlighten us on the firm’s future than Nick Collins, Jaguar Land Rover’s vehicles boss?

Just how big is the task of re-establishing Jaguar?

“It’s huge, but we’re absolutely where we want to be. I’m conscious we’ve been quiet on Jaguar, but that has been deliberate. We had [Land Rover’s] Range Rover, Range Rover Sport and [Land Rover] Defender 130 to launch, and we needed to get that done. But we’ve been working like crazy on the new Jaguars with a fiercely dedicated team locked away from distractions.”

You’ve mentioned 2024. What’s the significance of that? Previously, a 2025 relaunch was spoken of.

“Both years are significant. In 2024, we will show the world what a new Jaguar will be like; in 2025, we will deliver cars to customers. We’re still working on options for communicating and marketing the vehicles. We have plenty of ideas, but we haven’t yet decided which way to go.”

You’ve talked about “curating the journey” to 2025. What does that mean?

“That refers to what we will do with existing models. Our supply chain issues have created opportunities to cut the number of variants. We’ve learned a lot about being a value-over-volume company. With the [Jaguar] F-Pace, for instance, we can go from around 55 variants to 16. You’ve seen our recent [Jaguar] F-Pace SVR Edition 1988: we will do more like that, including with the [Jaguar] XF and [Jaguar] XE, which will be back soon. And next year we will celebrate 75 years of Jaguar sports cars by doing something special with the [Jaguar] F-Type. It will be our last-ever V8 sports car. Maybe it will be like the old [Land Rover] Defender and have a bumper year.”

Does “a copy of nothing” imply that new Jaguars won’t have a visual relationship with previous models?

“I can’t talk specifics, but the way to understand the link between new and old is to think about the brand’s specifics. Summarise the emotions that Jaguars have always generated, then think how to represent them in a modern product. For me, it’s similar to the job we did with the new Defender: we were never hindered by the old one when we did it. We’ve recently honed Jaguar values to a few words. I won’t reveal them, but they let us maintain the absolute purity of the brand.”

Is it true that the new Jaguar designs have been signed off?


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“Yes, we’ve signed off the whole portfolio. We’re in the final maturation phase, getting the cars ready for production by dealing with production surfacing and practical stuff like aerodynamics and cooling. But we cling very closely to the company’s core principle of making very few changes for production. We see our task as being to bring great designs to life.”

What stage have you reached with the mechanical and software development?

“We first looked at using a partner platform, but it became clear we would never achieve our ‘copy of nothing’ objective without bespoke architecture. However, we’re using some of the building blocks we already have – and have planned for other future models – to streamline the process. As for prototypes, they will be running in the next couple of months, using Range Rover Sport bodies.”

Will you show a concept car before 2024?

“I love concepts, and this is certainly an idea we’ve talked a lot about, and maybe we will do something. But in line with everything else about this new Jaguar project, we will have to ‘Reimagine’ how we do it.”

No recent car has had new architecture for both body and chassis, a new form of powertrain, a new production system and a new marketing proposition and been built for a new breed of buyers. Do you acknowledge the risk in this?

“We believe risk can also contain opportunities. In any case, the bigger risk would have been to keep things as they were. We had to do something very different, just as we did with the Defender, and that’s what we’re doing. But I can tell you the new cars are absolutely stunning and very thought-provoking propositions, in a good way. Every time I see one in the design studio, I catch my breath. But that’s an effect that the greatest Jaguars have always had.”

Will any Jaguar cost as much as £200,000?

“We won’t decide pricing until just before launch, and that’s years away, although of course we know perfectly well how we want to position the cars. My own view is that a great product defines its own pricing. How much we can charge is down to the quality of the job we do.”

Steve Cropley

Steve Cropley Autocar
Title: Editor-in-chief

Steve Cropley is the oldest of Autocar’s editorial team, or the most experienced if you want to be polite about it. He joined over 30 years ago, and has driven many cars and interviewed many people in half a century in the business. 

Cropley, who regards himself as the magazine’s “long stop”, has seen many changes since Autocar was a print-only affair, but claims that in such a fast moving environment he has little appetite for looking back. 

He has been surprised and delighted by the generous reception afforded the My Week In Cars podcast he makes with long suffering colleague Matt Prior, and calls it the most enjoyable part of his working week.

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Marc 29 June 2022
Just how big is the task of re-establishing Jaguar after such massive cock up of running it has been made over the last 25 years?

Massive, probably about the same size as McGovern's ego, and that's huge.

You’ve mentioned 2024. What’s that all about? Previously, a 2025 relaunch was spoken of?

We're not sure really, it just seemed a nice date, it could be 25 or 26. We may have another relaunch, our history is of lurching from crisis to crisis, but we just bimble on with the same culture. It's worked so far.

You’ve talked about “curating the journey” to 2025. What does that mean?

To be honest, I'm not sure, some guy in the marketing team came up with it in a meeting, we pissed our pants laughing, but it sounded cool, so we ran with it.

Does “a copy of bugger all" imply that new Jaguars won’t look quite as shit as previous models?

No, it means we genuinely haven't a clue about what to do, we have nothing.

Is it true that the new Jaguar designs have been signed off?

Not sure, Gerry keeps muttering something about it, but no one really listens to him. He hangs around like your dad at a party and tries to dress cool, it's all bit embarrassing really. You seen his hair! What's that all about?

What stage have you reached with the mechanical and software development?

I think, although I'd have to check, it's about 2 3rds, maybe 3/4s, something like that, but anyway, we'll do what we've done for years and just release the products unfinished, then instruct our dealers to blame the customer when it goes wrong.

Will you show a concept car before 2024?

No, why do that? We'll just keep drip feeding bullshit to you guys at Autocar and get free advertising. Steve Cropley just prints anything we give you anyway.

No recent car has had new architecture for both body and chassis, a new form of powertrain, a new production system and a new marketing proposition and been built for a new breed of buyers ever in the history of the motor car. Well a few have, but they're models from other brands and we don't want acknowledge them do we? it'll piss on your bonfire

Err, sorry, don't really understand this question. Anyone fancy lunch?

Here at Autocar, we know your products are the best, so will a Jaguar cost as much as £200,000?

200k! For a Jaguar, you having a laugh? Err, sorry, of course, if we find enough mugs, sorry customers, or is it clients? Anyway, there's bound to be a few China, there's billions of them, so it's a numbers game.

jason_recliner 2 July 2022

Possibly the greatest thing ever written in Autocar!  Thanks, you made my morning.

HughB 29 June 2022

So, if I understand this correctly, when Jaguar tried to compete with BMW and introduced the XE, everyone complained that it wasn't premium enough.

Now, they plan to move to an EV platform and build their product portfolio in a similar way to how Range Rover has evolved and prospered, by moving increasingly upmarket, and everyone complains.

I guess we'll see, but it seems emminently sensible to me.




scotty5 29 June 2022

There are many who've tried to rebrand themselves but hardly any that I can think of, who've succeeded. Skoda for one, but to be fair the car ended up a rebranded VW. But their trump card was to sell the product cheaper than a VW.  

Risky? Sounds more like the final nail in the coffin to me. By all means try selling the car but for heavens sake you don't try and flog a car at that price to compete with Bentley and call it a Jaguar. Don't these people know anything about marketing? Given their past experience - no would be the answer to that.