Currently reading: Fast-evolving EV market means buyers now want hot versions, says Renault
French manufacturer will host focus groups this year to determine what buyers want from a performance EV

Electric vehicles (EVs) are becoming so mainstream that consumers now expect makers to “tick all the boxes”, such as offering hot variants, according to Renault EV boss Gilles Normand.

While there are no official plans yet for an RS-badged EV, the French manufacturer is evaluating the requirements of a performance EV and planning focus groups to find out where demand is.

Normand said a hot EV is likely to have less range than a standard one, and that there's also a question over the lack of engine sound in a go-faster EV.

He said: “Historically, performance cars have less range than a normal car, so people will be ready for less driving range, but how much less is a discussion we’re in now.

“People are also a little worried that there is no noise. If we go for a performance car with EVs, we came to the conclusion that we have to generate a nice noise artificially."

Renault product planning boss Ali Kassaï has previously told Autocar that the firm wanted to lead the way with hot EVs.

“[The timeframe] has to be short [to launch a hot EV]," he said, "because we were the leader in EVs, so we need to keep up the pace. I hope [to see one] in three years.

“We have been thinking about this for a long time. It will happen the day when the technology road blocks are removed. This means high performance but also sustainability of performance and making economic sense.”


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catnip 6 March 2020

I'd want one with 3-doors,

I'd want one with 3-doors, not family car look 5-doors.

Horus 6 March 2020

Range not performance

Most EV's seem to have performance at least equal to conventional alternatives. Assured range is what is holding most people back.

gavsmit 6 March 2020

Buyers want.....

...sensible prices, decent range, fast charging times, reliable batteries. Performance seems to happen automatically with EVs so isn't really something that needs a lot of thought to improve.


artill 6 March 2020

gavsmit wrote:

gavsmit wrote:

...sensible prices, decent range, fast charging times, reliable batteries. Performance seems to happen automatically with EVs so isn't really something that needs a lot of thought to improve.


I think you hit the nail on the head here. And the car makers cant do it, so they are trying to tell us we want something else. After all, if its sporty its got to be worth paying more for it?

I think one of the reasons many current EVs are faster than they need to be (much faster than the cars Mr and Mrs Average tend to buy)is that they can carry a higher price, and as the really big expense in any electric car is the fuel tank, they can hide this cost better if you think you are paying for performance.

Most true drivers cars are light weight. This is not something BEVs are known for!