Currently reading: How Aston Martin will work with Geely on new electric cars
British firm will look to car makers in the US and China to supply parts, including EV drive units and battery modules

Aston Martin is radically shaking up its supplier network for the development of its electric car platform, including sourcing parts from shareholder Geely to cut costs and hasten its arrival.

The British company announced this week that it would take electric drive units and battery modules from Californian EV maker Lucid for its upcoming EVs, but Geely’s involvement could be just as important if Aston Martin is to successfully make the shift to electric.

Roberto Fedeli, Aston Martin's development chief, cited two examples of parts that Geely will supply ahead of Aston Martin’s EV rollout, which starts in 2025

“It’s a very good opportunity,” Fedeli told journalists at a briefing held at Aston’s HQ on Monday.

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