Currently reading: Renault targets resource neutrality with dedicated recycling arm
Renault establishes division focusing on recycling EV batteries and end-of-life vehicles, plus scrap metal recovery

The Renault Group, comprising Alpine, Dacia, Mobilize and Renault, has detailed plans to become resource-neutral and maximise the value of car parts and materials using recycling.

The firm aims to generate €2.3 billion (£2.0bn) in turnover annually from its new The Future is Neutral (TFiN) arm, collating the experience of three recycling subsidiaries and its 'Refactory' in Flins, France.

The three companies – Gaia, Indra and Boone Comenor – focus on battery diagnostics and recycling, end-of-life vehicle (ELV) treatment and scrap metal recycling, respectively.

The Refactory – which specialises in recommissioning used vehicles and already houses Gaia’s parts collection and material recycling operations – will serve as a nerve centre for the operation.

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