Do not adjust your set, this really is a flying Impreza

This is not a fake. These are the awesome aerial antics of US rally driver Ken Block and his flying Impreza.

As children, most of us wanted to emulate the kind of car-breaking stunts we witnessed every week in The Dukes of Hazzard, The A-Team and Kinght Rider. But about the closest any of us got was just clearing a log in the garden on a BMX.

Block, the founder of the DC Shoes brand, was not so easily satisfied. He and his rallying team-mate, motocross ace Travis Pastrana, decided to make the biggest official leap in rally-car history. At 52 metres, they succeeded, flying over the specially created ramp in southern California.

The car is the rally-spec Subaru Impreza Block races in the American Rally Championship. The only modification for the jump was the addition of a couple of bags of sand in the boot to balance the weight of the engine. It survived the jump with just one broken suspension arm and a cracked windscreen. Block was uninjured.

The stunt was filmed for US TV show Stunt Junkies, and you can see some footage, and download wallpapers of the jump, at

One last thing - don't try this at home.

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