Currently reading: Swindon speed cameras deactivated
Cameras ditched in favour of new ways of tackling speeding

Swindon’s speed cameras have been switched off, making the council the first in the UK to abandon the controversial devices.

The council made the decision to halt £350,000 of funding per year because any revenues from the cameras were paid directly to central government.

Temporary vehicle-activated warnings signs will replace the cameras in three of the five fixed camera sites.The local authorities will now use the budget to look at other ways to combat speeding.

“In Swindon we are developing a reputation for challenging the status quo and being at the forefront of new thinking,” said Cllr Peter Greenhalgh, Swindon Borough Council cabinet member for Sustainability, Transport and Strategic Planning.

“Our sole aim is to find new and more effective ways to reduce road accidents within our current budget.”

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