Happy 60th Birthday to the Smeed Report. Commissioned by the Conservative government of the time, it was intended to come up with ways of directly charging motorists for road use. 

Even though mass car use had only just started to really accelerate in the UK, the planners and economists were already looking for a way to control vehicle use, thinking that variable road pricing might be a way of ‘nudging’ driver behaviour, reducing peak-time congestion and so on.

Clearly, the technology didn’t exist in the 1960s to allow for variable road charging, and it wasn’t even used when central London got the flat-rate Congestion Charge in 2003. Efforts to extend road charging to Greater Manchester and Edinburgh in the 2000s were defeated in local referendums.

Despite planners and politicians being so keen on road-pricing, the average motorist is well aware that 59p in tax is added to every litre of fuel sold and then VAT added to the whole bill. 

It’s a hefty tax by any measure, but it’s also one that's uniquely easy to levy. Some even call Fuel Duty ‘the perfect tax’, because it's so cheap to recover and the Treasury has a near-100% success rate in doing so.

It’s for this reason perhaps that road charging has never really taken off in the UK. As the London Congestion Charge has shown, road tolls can be very expensive to levy and they don't have a great record in emptying the streets in any case.

This uneasy truce between the planners and the public could be finally about to be broken, due to the rise of the electric vehicle.

Last week, a House of Commons committee put out a new report on ‘reforming motoring taxation’ under the catch line ‘zero emissions shouldn’t mean zero tax revenue’.

As the report freely admits, the government's intention to ban the sale of new ICE vehicles by 2030 (and allowing only long-distance plug-in hybrids to exist until 2035) could result in the tax take from drivers nose-diving.

The Commons committee says that the Treasury currently gathers £35 billion each year from motorists and only £7bn of that (raised from ‘road tax’ on ICEs) is ring-fenced to be spent solely on the roads network. The other £28bn raised goes into general spending.

If, by 2030, new cars sales are dominated by EVs and plug-ins, fuel tax will enter a sudden decline that accelerates year on year.